What Percentage of People Win Online Poker? See the Weird Results

What Percentage of People Win Online Poker? See the Weird Results
Have you ever wondered what percent of people win online poker? Would be interesting to know right? Well, have I got news for you!
It would be pretty awesome to know what percentage of people win online poker. That way you could know if it was worth your time trying it to make some money. I mean, come on, if there isn't a very good chance you will win then why bother right?
My Theory About What Percentage Of People Win Online Poker
Now, I'm not gonna lie to you. I haven't researched this officially. You know how they say 217% of all statistics are made up? Well... yeah...
But if there is one thing I would bet my money on - and I am a betting man - it would be that the general laws of everything apply to poker too. And, from my personal research and anecdotal evidence I think that these are true.
What I'm talking about here is the old 80-20 rule. You know, eighty percent of the people who play poker win twenty percent of the money. And yes, that means that twenty percent of the people that play poker win eighty percent of the money.
It's Pretty Good Being On The 20 Percent Side
As I said before, I reckon that this is just about on the money. It seems that the good players will generally take a lot more cash home then everyone else. It's unfair, and annoying, and frustrating - until you crack the code and get it.
The more you win, the more money you have, the bigger the bankroll, the more your stacks, the bigger the stack, the bigger the bets, the more money you win... oh hang on we went in a circle.
The Bottom Line When It Comes To Percentages
You have a 100 percent chance of not making it if you don't give it a go. So if you are wondering whether poker is for your or not I would suggest try it.
You have a 99 percent chance of losing if you don't learn the rules, the game, the betting, the strategies, the tips and tricks and all that other good stuff.
You have a 50% chance of winning if you do learn all that info but never practice it enough to master it. This is what I call coin-flip poker and is what exactly 63.79526 percent of people do. They "think" they know how to play well and "sometimes" win but more often then not its all pot luck and random moves.
You can increase your chances of winning by a million percent if you study, implement, practice, record, research, analyze, study more, practice more and continue this cycle.

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